Spill the Beans: 10 Lesser-Known Facts About Brenda
She is the proud daughter of a northwest Iowa farmer.
Her parents have been married for 69 years.
She is the youngest of five children… and considers her siblings and their spouses among her favorite people in the world.
Her first job was ‘walking beans’ on their family farm, which meant July mornings walking up and down half-mile soybean rows, pulling or chopping weeds.
Her first post-college job was teaching high school English in Cedar Rapids.
While in Cedar Rapids, she taught NFL Hall of Famer Kurt Warner and PGA Master’s golf champion, Zach Johnson.
She met her husband, Chris, in a bar in downtown Cedar Rapids during her first year of teaching, in 1987; they’ve been together ever since.
Her most cherished role is 'Mom' to their three precious sons: Alex, Jakob, and Joshua.
When Brenda is not out speaking, she works at her in-home office in Algona, Iowa.
She shares her office with Atticus Finch Hamilton, whom she refers to as the ‘Certified Attitude Trainer’ (C.A.T.) of her home office.
The Dream Team

Atticus Finch Hamilton
Certified Attitude Trainer (C.A.T.)